Trade & Consumer Show Services:
We offer management, contracting and support services for trade & consumer shows |
Event Management
As a show producer or manager, you are aware of how much time goes into organizing and managing a trade or consumer show. We have worked with hundreds of show managers, suppliers, facilities, and exhibitors, helping with all aspects of events, from the planning stages to the cleanup, after the event. We can run your event as a manager, or assist you in specific areas of your event. Some of our services include:
- Site visits and evaluations
- Event layout & site maps
- Arrange for contractors & service companies
- Develop exhibitor contracts
- Market your exhibit space
- Handle permits
- On site floor management
- Event wrap up surveys
Event Contractor
We offer complete contracting services. We will find the best deals on equipment & services from decorators, to rental companies, and combine them into a single package which best suits your events needs. We are familiar with and work with most rental & service companies in the Seattle area. We can:
- Contract and coordinate all equipment & services for your event including;
- Decorators
- Rental companies
- Electrical contractors
- Sound & lighting companies
- Staging companies
- Display companies
- Set up full exhibitor/vendor service packages for you event including;
- Exhibit materials
- Display furniture
- Carpeting
- Electrical services
- I&D labor
- Drayage services
Event Services
We offer a wide and flexible range of services for event. Whether you are doing a trade or consumer show, business fair or special event, you are more than likely to run into new challenges for every event. With over 37 years of dealing with event equipment, contractors, facilities, and exhibitors, we will work with you to minimize your risk. We can:
- Design event layouts & maps
- Design decorating themes
- Develop and maintain exhibitor & vendor lists
We can arrange for:
- Exposition equipment & contractors
- Tent & canopy rental companies
- Design & display companies
- Staging companies
- Sound & lighting companies
- Electrical service companies